What is Bowenwork?

Bowenwork® is a gentle, manual therapy that releases restrictions in the body. It promotes deep relaxation and relieves muscular tension. Bowenwork® is a specific series of muscle and connective tissue moves that initiates healing in every system of the body. It encourages improved circulation, lymphatic drainage and assimilation of nutrients and elimination of toxins from the body. It works on both structural and energetic levels. Bowenwork® moves are processed through the central nervous system and serve to balance the autonomic nervous system; the system that regulates fight and flight, rest and digest.

What is Bowenwork?  Ready for a new adventure in bodywork?  It can assist anyone from babies to the elderly.  Bowenwork is a very gentle and non-invasive form of natural healing.  Sometimes you have body aches, back pain or an issue that limits your normal movement.  Bowenwork is based on methods developed by an informally trained Australian osteopath named Tom Bowen.  It is a complementary therapy that seeks to facilitate the body’s natural capacity for self-regulation and healing.  It is a dynamic series of moves over muscles, tendons and nerves that resets the autonomic nervous system.  It reduces muscle tension, stress, pain, stimulates the lymphatic system while promoting deep relaxation.

Conditions that affect the musculoskeletal sheath as well as systemic issues are addressed.

Sprains Stress Reactions Headaches
Strains Fatigue Fibromyalgia
Overuse Injuries Back Pain Digestion Issues
Sports Injuries Ear/Throat Problems Knee Pain

For additional conditions, please see the full listing at Bowenwork Academy USA

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What is Bowenwork?

Bowenwork® is a gentle, manual therapy that releases restrictions in the body. It promotes deep relaxation and relieves muscular tension. Bowenwork® is a specific series of muscle and connective tissue moves that initiates healing in every system of the body. It encourages improved circulation, lymphatic drainage and assimilation of nutrients and elimination of toxins from …

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